New Fiellberg hydraulic cylinder series FTS 5 is now available for downloading

Fiellberg has completed a new range of cylinder series at Solidcomponents to complement our NTS 6-series for industrial applications and our FMS-series for marine and offshore applications.
The new FTS 5-series is mainly engineered for mobile applications, but it can be also used in non-demanding industrial applications. FTS 5 has a simple yet robust construction, and it is also the cheapest alternative of all of our cylinder series.

You can find the new configurator here. 

You can find FTS 5 catalogue here.

New Fiellberg electric cylinder (FEC)

Fiellberg’s Electric cylinder is a versatile and efficient actuator that combines the power of electricity with hydraulic technology to facilitate controlled linear motion in various applications. Unlike traditional hydraulic cylinders that rely on a single high-pressure motor pumping pressurized fluid over long distances to multiple cylinders through pipes leading to energy loss, electric hydraulic cylinders utilize an electric motor to drive a hydraulic pump, generating hydraulic pressure to actuate the cylinder.

These cylinders find applications in diverse industries such as Maritime, manufacturing, construction, and automation, offering precise control over movement and force. The integration of electric components enables programmability, remote operation, and seamless integration into automated systems. This technology provides a reliable and energy-efficient solution for tasks requiring controlled linear motion, making it an asset in modern industrial processes.

Our development project has been partly funded by European Union.

You can read leaflet here.

The Fiellberg family has once again gained a new member:

Heikki Eskonen has joined Fiellberg as a Research Engineer. Based in the Vantaa head office, Heikki will be responsible for the R&D of our new prototypes and he will be taking an active hand in our research projects.


Heikki has a long history of research work that comes with a wide range of experience on designing and manufacturing experimental apparatuses for multiple projects, ranging from thermodynamics to hydraulics.


One of his current tasks is working on the joint action  Nanothrust project with the Aalto University, which will suit him more than well as he has a long history of working with the aforementioned institution.


We welcome our new member to the growing Fiellberg family!

Change of address of Fiellberg Vantaa office and warehouse

Our office and warehouse will be moving into a new and better premises here in Vantaa on 30:th of September 2020.
We will not be moving far away, only moving 700 m on the same street as we are today.
Our old address is Martinkyläntie 41 and new address will be Martinkyläntie 54, all other info remains unchanged.
The new official address will be:
Fiellberg Oy
Martinkyläntie 54
01720 Vantaa

Milestone on Eurostars Project – Load Control for the Wavepiston Energy Collector (LOCWEC, E11849)

Fiellberg has developed for years pumping systems for wave energy Wavepiston concept. More information of this green energy concept can be found on the website
Now we have reached an important milestone as Wavepiston and Fiellberg have during 1½ years worked together in the Eurostars LOCWEC project on improving the control of the loads on the Wavepiston energy collectors. A proper load control is key to increasing the efficiency and durability of the system reaching a competitive levelised cost of energy and water.
One of the largest challenges for getting a competitive wave power system is handling the loads from the large waves, not only surviving the waves but also be durable to keep the costs for maintenance down. The large waves are not frequent, they count for less than 1 % of the year, but a wave energy converter must be designed to handle these and even the largest wave that can happen in a 100-year perspective.
Michael Henriksen, CEO of Wavepiston, explains: “In the project we have had a good cooperation with Fiellberg to develop and test an improved solution for load control in relation to the hydraulics and flip mechanism. The aim was to improve the energy conversion by having larger plates on the energy collectors, more durable pumps and reaching a 7-years lifetime”.
Juha Elonen, Managing Director of Fiellberg, follows up: “The Fiellberg telescopic pumps have undergone several improvements during the project. We are very thrilled to see that we have achieved a more durable design within a reasonable short time with the support of the Eurostars grant”.
The project has now been finalised. The improved load control system will be demonstrated in relation to two full-scale projects. One at Plocan, Gran Canaria, supported by EU’s Horizon 2020 SME Instrument, and one at a small tourist island, Isola Piana, Sardinia, supported by EU’s Horizon 2020 Fast Track to Innovation Programme.
Testing in The North Sea
Illustration of the load control principle of flipping plates when the loads get to large

Visit Fiellberg stand at Marintec Fair in Shanghai, China 3.-6.12.2019

We will be presenting our Hydraulic Cylinder Technology at Marintec Fair in Shanghai China on 3.-6 December 2019.
Our stand will be at Finland Maritime Pavilion in hall No. 2 Stand number is N2C6A-07.
We warmly welcome all our clients and partners to visit us. We will have representatives from Fiellberg’s Finnish and Chinese locations at the fair.

Fiellberg Oy has established a factory in Dalian, China

Fiellberg Oy has established a factory in Dalian, China. The opening ceremonies were held on 19:th of September. Factory has already been running for a while supplying some test hydraulic cylinders.
Now we have far more better possibilities to serve our clients in two continents. Our new factory can deliver full range of cylinders from minisize to jumbosize.
Here the cylinders are assembled with state-of-the-art equipment and we take special care of the cleanliness of the products. All parts are washed carefully and during flushing of the assembled cylinder, the oil cleanliness is monitored on-line.
Location of our Dalian factory provides excellent logistics possibilities for Japan and South Korea.
For more information please contact:
Fiellberg Fluid Technologies (Dalian) Co. Ltd
Mr. Johnry Tin
Managing Director
tel. +86 137 0009 4182